Meerkat Design Awards

The inaugural Meerkat Design Awards took place in May 2023. The awards are open to both contingent or permanent designers, in all areas of design such as product, content and research.

But why call it the Meerkat Design Awards?

Meerkats are immune to venom. So, you can nip, prick or sting them and they’ll just recover and carry on. Although it helps that they are super- cute and quirky, meerkats are also very (very) intelligent.

Meerkats owe their success to moving in clans (which are also called mobs or gangs – #SquadLife). Meerkats actively teach their young, and instinctively share knowledge to help others grow.

Meerkats show up majorly for each other and for the greater good. They rotate tasks among gang members equally, and at any time they can switch from working within a group to working as individuals to a solve problem or to literally stay alive.

Here is the full list of winners and nominees:

Designer of the Year 2023
The designer of the year is someone who executes with empathy, true craft and an understanding of enterprise design.

1. Jaun Du Toit - Winner
2. Tara Angelosante.
3. Frat Mathabatha.

Design Leader of the Year 2023
This person respects and empowers their team. They listen, collaborate and guide. They lead their team to do good for users and the business and drive the bank’s strategy. They unblock any obstacles and incorporate design into everything they do. They take accountability for their and their team’s actions.

1. Eunice Fourie - Winner
2. Louise Salemink.
3. Roxanne Robbins.


Design Changemaker 2023

This designer incorporates innovation, scalability, data and disruption in everything they do. They align all involved parties in the design process. Their design-led approach results in actual, measurable benefits for clients and the enterprise.

1. Kyley Potgieter – Winner
2. Justin Zeeman.
3. Thulani Dube.

Most Improved Designer 2023
This designer embraces a culture of growth within design, innovation and creativity. They have solid goals and aspirations and share their learnings freely.

1. Frat Mathabatha - Winner
2. Marguerite Parvess.
3. Yolisa Mzamane.

Design Advocate 2023
This designer is pivotal to advancing design within the enterprise. They drive a more mindful or human-centred approach to product development. They help connect people to information, and by doing so the design community has an increasing influence in shaping its own future.

1. Ramo Phalatse - Winner
2. Ronnie Handukani.
3. Samantha Majoni.

Designer at heart 2023
This person is not a designer by profession. However, they think, act and problem-solve like a designer. That is, they are deliberate, intentional and innovative in how they approach their work. They help us meet our objectives by being passionate about finding solutions that will improve the client’s life through both product design and delivery.

1. Ray Naicker - Winner
2. Natasha Kisten.
3. Aatish Ramkaran.